Billboard Lighting Issue Update
January 28, 2009

Whetstone residents and backyard astronomers who opposed the installation of two billboards on Highway 90 can breathe easy now that the Cochise County Board of Supervisors denied the appeals submitted by Stott Outdoor Advertising. Read the entire newspaper article here. Newspaper Article

Congratulations and our gratitude go to all who took some of their valuable time, attended the meetings, and made our voices heard. This shows that positive action can produce desired results within our governmental system.

Billboard Lighting Issue
December 10, 2008

There was a Cochise County Planning and Zoning "Planning Commission" meeting on Wed., December 10, 2008, 4 p.m., Cochise County Complex, Building G, Melody Lane, Bisbee, in the Board of Supervisors Board Room, that addressed the proposed billboard lighting issue and sign ordinance. Many HAC members attended, and made our opposition known.

Planning Director: Susan Buchan

Cochise County Planning and Zoning Web Page Cochise County Planning and Zoning

Cochise County Light Pollution Code Cochise County Light Pollution Code

E-Mail: [email protected]

Alert to HAC Membership and All Concerned Parties
Several large billboards were being proposed to be built in the Whetstone area along Route 90. The Cochise County Planning and Zoning Department had received requests for large, illuminated billboards, and thesewere addressed during the Planning and Zoning (P&Z) meeting on December 10, 2008.

These billboards would distract from the scenic beauty of the area, and the lights would add to the growing light pollution problem. All friends and members were asked to contact the Planning and Zoning department to voice our opposition to these billboards.

The results were positive. The Cochise County Board of Supervisors denied the appeals submitted by Stott Outdoor Advertising. Read the entire newspaper article here. Newspaper Article

Who to Contact

To contact the Planning and Zoning department, please write to:

Susan Buchan
Director of Planning and Zoning
1415 Melody Lane, Building E
Bisbee, Arizona 85603

Phone: (520) 432-9240
Fax: (520) 432-9278

E-Mail: [email protected]

Other information is located on the following Cochise County websites:

Cochise County Planning and Zoning Web Page Cochise County Planning and Zoning
Cochise County Light Pollution Code Cochise County Light Pollution Code

Scenic America

Scenic America has helped many communities oppose billboards, and they explain detailed reasons why we don’t need them. Please review the following website, and use these materials to help you write your own letter.

Cochise County Light Pollution Code

Planning and Zoning Meeting

HAC members and concerned citizens are encouraged to attend the Cochise County Planning and Zoning meeting on December 10. Please call, write, and email to Cochise County Planning and Zoning (P&Z) concerning your opposition to these billboards. Currently the meeting agenda is not posted, but it should be available very soon.

Thank you!
Huachuca Astronomy Club (HAC) Board, and Friends of the Milky Way

Huachuca Astronomy Club of Southeastern Arizona, About Us Huachuca Astronomy Club of Southeastern Arizona Huachuca Astronomy Club of Southeastern Arizona Huachuca Astronomy Club of Southeastern Arizona Huachuca Astronomy Club of Southeastern Arizona Huachuca Astronomy Club of Southeastern Arizona, light pollution, dark skies Huachuca Astronomy Club of Southeastern Arizona Huachuca Astronomy Club of Southeastern Arizona